2.How to start JEE Advanced Oriented Preparation?

2.How to start JEE Advanced Oriented Preparation?


Ans. If you are preparing for JEE Advanced sincerely, you will obviously perform well in JEE
Main and when your Aim is IIT, JEE Main is just a Qualifying Exam. JEE Advanced is the Real
Now if you are someone reading this answer towards the last phase of your Preparation and
you are doing JEE Main Oriented Preparation because your Preparation got ruined…
Don’t get Demotivated! Don’t be a Weakling!
The Components of JEE Advanced
Step 1 - Theory (Basic Understanding of Concepts in 1st or 2nd Reading)
Step 2 - Learning to Solve Questions from Examples
Step 3 - Practice Level 1 Questions. Then, Level 2 Questions and so on…
Questions can be broadly classified into these 3 Levels.
Your Concepts Strengthen when you solve a Question wrong, you go back to the Theory and try
to find out why you solved it wrong. That’s because you misunderstood the Concept. So, you go
through the Concept again and again to understand. Maybe you are taking help from some
other youtube video or book to understand it. Then, you know where you were messing up and
strengthen that part. That’s how you must Practice with Improvement.