Which are the easiest chapters in IIT-JEE organic chemistry?
Inorganic chemistry needs memory power with an understanding of concepts. You can connect with IIT JEE toppers they can guide you properly on what strategy should follow to remember the things. You can follow the books that are suggested by many of the JEE toppers or IIT JEE experts:
• J D Lee
• Concise Inorganic Chemistry
• OP Tandon
• Cengage Inorganic Chemistry
But it is really difficult to remember all the books understanding the concepts. So start your inorganic journey with NCERT books. Study line by line. Revise it 4 to 5 times. You will get many exceptional problems in inorganic chemistry. While studying make short notes according and revise them frequently. Visit the link to get related answers: https://www.quora.com/Which-book-is-the-best-for-inorganic-chemistry-for-the-JEE/answer/Anuj-Singh-694?ch=10&oid=88921913&share=79cd7a7e&srid=hrUqLC&target_type=answer
The kind of chapters you are choosing are quite few which are easiest and high scoring…
Chapters question /paper
Biomolecules 2
Chemical Kinetics 1
Surface chemistry 1
Chemistry in everyday life 1
Polymer and Environmental Chemistry 2
the other list consists the chapter which are quite time taking but most important and high scoring
General Organic chemistry
Coordination chemistry
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Atomic structure
These chapters consist at least 25% of the paper so the second list is more recommended.