What are some great mistakes that every student makes
during IIT JEE preparation?
Students make many mistakes while preparing for JEE
Do not ignore or skip any topic - In the early 11th for health
reasons, I skipped the topic of Newton’s laws of motion. Taking the
extra time to properly complete this chapter, i eventually overcame
this NLM’s weakness, but by the end of the 11th I had only scored a
few points in each control test.
Do not be swayed by emotions in any subject. This was one of
the main reasons I failed many iteration tests. The rest are
miscellaneous. If a topic seems difficult, try it last. First we wrap the
winning token. Instead of practicing more practice questions focus
on a deeper understanding of the whole program. Practice makes a
person perfect undoubtedly.
Repeatedly solving intermediate-level problems will not help you
prepare. Take on unseen challenges that increase in difficulty as you
progress through each chapter. This was a mistake in JEE Mains
Stay away from poisonous friends. Last but not least, the circle of
friends. I have been very lucky to have positive and supportive
friends, but not everyone are like this. As soon as I moved into my
new dorm and took a coaching class, I contacted the wrong friends.
Fortunately, I was able to get rid of them and make new good
Diving straight into preparation: Also if you are if you are
beginner then you can take a mentorship program for IIT JEE
preparation which will help you in your preparation this will make
you more familiar with what type of questions or asked in what
should we are resource and many more things you will be connected
to recent jee toppers who will help you in your journey and will
provide you the right guidance so if you want your journey to be
doubt free and with a good plan then you must take a small
mentorship plan.