What are the most important topics in organic chemistry from
IIT JEE point of view?
I won’t list every chapter individually and write how important
they all are. I will list all things as it was told by my personal JEE
mentor before I started my preparation. I took a JEE mentorship
program from Exprto which guided me throughout my preparation.
A sensible series of do’s and don’ts to follow - (Imp. In IIT JEE
mains and advanced)
1- Don’t waste too much time on iupac and basic heterothesis.
2-Tautomerism and stereoisomerism are more likely asked questions
in JEE.
3-Hydrocarbons - mainly halogenation of alkanes, electrophilic
addition to alkenes/alkynes, especially those whose mechanism is
related to stereochemistry, various reducing and oxidizing agents.
4-Haloalkanes - SN and elimination reactions, polyhalogen
compounds, uses, physical properties (mostly ignored by students,
but likely to be asked in exams)
5- Alcohols - test methods, oxidation, Esterification, Glycols,
Glycerin, Polyhydroxy, Applications, Industrial Production
6- Ether Ring Opening, Reaction with HX
7- Carbonyl - Whole chapter, different types of condensation +
conjugate addition, test methods (top priority) + special focus on
HCHO polymerization.
8- Carboxylic acid – mostly his GOC type questions regarding
acidity or decarboxylation, heating effects, etc. Grignard reaction
with acid derivatives.
9- Amines- its GOC-based questions on basic strengths, aromaticity,
testing and separation methods, dyes, azo couplings.
Aromatics require additional weighting in each chapter and are
frequently queried for their specific reactions, tests, stability, order
of reactivity, etc.
FInally focus entirely on biomolecules and polymers, ncerts,
samples and previous year issues from these units.