500+ in neet ug

I have some backlog of 11 and the condition of Physics and Chemistry is just like I have not studied anything. and can i get 500+ under 70 days with Only 12th Physics and Chemistry both get 200+ and Bio (11+12) 340+ marks.And I am facing a lot of problem in revision, my day goes more in backlog, as I grow, I forget what I revised on the last day. Because , I do not get time to revise what I read a few days ago, and I keep forgetting, when I go back to revise, the rest are worried about revision. I’m form SC catagory so I will ke good medical clg under 500marks but Even then there is tension of backlog and revisions and it seems that drop will have to be taken, and my family members are fine and relatives are behind me. To. take me admission in bsc .:face_holding_back_tears: And now I am giving the test, I do not get much marks, around 300-350 marks come.


Biology- in neet around 300 marks are from ncert text book itself,thats how it was when i gave my exam, so u need to thorough ncert first and then read any good book of your choice and solve as many questions as you can, always stay calm , cool and confident,hope this helps good luck buddybuddy

Follow these time table!


Same with me but my category is general I want 560+ marks how to prepare

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•To score 500+ firstly you will have to divide marks according to subject for example
Physics - 80
Chemistry - 120
Biology - 320
• In NEET mostly questions are asked from previous year topics only.
•So firstly focus on previous year topics and revise multiple times .
For more strategy you can contact your mentor by registering at www.exprto.com
And you can also watch strategy videos on YouTube

Same with me but from general category idk what to do now :pleading_face:

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