Are NCERT books enough for the JEE Main?

Are NCERT books enough for the JEE Main?


Many JEE experts and IIT JEE toppers recommend NCERT for JEE preparation. If you go through previous years question papers then you will get many questions directly asked from NCERT books. This book contains compact concepts and the language of this book is easy to understand. The inorganic section of JEE main has been directly asked from NCERT. For physics NCERT is good to understand the basic concepts. Also for maths you will get many questions from NCERT. Many JEE experts suggest that NCERT is enough to pass JEE Main. You can connect with IIT JEE toppers they can guide you properly on what strategy or which books you should follow. Read the concepts thoroughly from NCERT books and try to solve more previous years question papers. It will be sufficient to pass JEE Mains.