Class 10 how to crack jee mains in a very easy manner

Hello bro I am in class 10 now and want to crack jee can you please guide me how to crack

Hello @ShivamSingh,

  1. In JEE main and JEE advanced exam, mathematics is the main subject. So try to build your concepts of mathematics and science subject. Science and mathematics are base, so try to study them properly.

  2. You can also join foundation course ( prefer to join offline coaching if you can manage timing with your school).

  3. After passing 10th class, your main preparation will start. Then you need to join any online or offline coaching for your preparation.

  4. Best advice - Join Exprto mentorship program, your mentor will guide you throughout your preparation. Use this form to book a free demo session with us. (Only available for first time users who have never been a part of the Exprto community before.)

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  1. If you still have any query or question then you can ask me.

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