How are your JEE preparations going?

How are your JEE preparations going?

Well, 5 months are about to be completed since I started my preparation, and to be honest, it has been one hell of a ride. It has not been easy - but I’m enjoying it.

On the academic side, I think I am doing fairly well. We’ve had five tests on Mains Pattern and one on Advanced Pattern - my score usually ranges from 260 - 270 (out of 300 )in Mains level while I scored 256 / 360 in the Advanced pattern one .

The most interesting aspect is that these five months have changed me. For the very first time, I am living a disciplined life ( My Mom is particularly amazed). I wake up with a list of tasks in mind and sleep at night with satisfaction.Also , I’ve started valuing time more than ever .My schedule is something like this :

4:15 - Wake Up

5:00 - 7:45 - Slot 1 ( Physics / Mathematics)

Doing Physics or Mathematics opens up my mind in the morning . I start with either of them based on what I feel like to do . That is followed by the other in Slot 2 .

8:30- 11:00 - Slot 2 ( Physics / Mathematics)

12:00 - 2: 30 - Slot 3 ( Chemistry )

3:00 - 6:30 - Coaching Online Classes

7:15- 8:45 - Revise Notes.

10:15–4:15 - Sleep

The time between these slots are breaks for Lunch , Rest (read surfing on Quora) , daily chores etc .I have been following this schedule for the past few months. I have been trying to push myself to do more - however, I am not able to do so as of now ( doesn’t matter, I’ll keep trying)