How can i complete my class 11th sylabbus in 3 months? please help

Ive not studied anything in class 11 due to some reasons. can i cover my sylabbus in just 3 months? please help i m so worried about it and i am not studying in coaching or tution. i purchased a online course because my friend told me, and due to lot of backlogs i did’nt studied anything whole year and now i m afraid because of the exams. please help mesuggest me some tips if anyone can. :frowning:

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Back log is going to follow you for long. It itself stands for the same. You have to first of all do all the topics which your teacher are teaching you right now in class after that spare extra time for back logs first complete notes lectures and shortnotes of one chapter and then solve mcqs . It’s not gonna be easy in 3 months but we mentors can help you to make you a schedule for completing you backlog on time. You just have to follow that only. You have to follow the things we suggest you on one by one session with you and you can have as max syllabus with max efficient. Don’t worry now don’t cry over the time which has gone it depend on when you start.

Start from today itself and do you best regarding study part. Don’t waste anytime now . You can complete your syllabus much faster. Take help of your mentors for schedules and plans regarding your preparation.

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