How can I cover backlogs with complete practice at the JEE level?

How can I cover backlogs with complete practice at the JEE level?

Backlogs are something which will hinder you a lot during preparation and can have a large impact on your question solving capabilities as you will unconsciously be surrounded by thoughts that you have left some topics.
Such thought will constantly revolve in your mind and you will not be able to solve questions efficiently. This is one of the key problems of backlog and deferring daily scheduled tasks.
So, it is better to complete tasks within the scheduled time.
Of course, All topics aren’t easy to recall at the time of exam unless you have very rigorous practice of topics and they all aren’t necessary to be remembered, you can still get decent marks in MAINS.
Simply, topics carrying higher weightage must be given top most priority which you can get via analysis of weightage of prior JEE exams. Solve all question papers of JEE mains 2019/20 and past 40 yrs as well, to get well acquainted with the JEE level questions.

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