How do I cover my NEET syllabus within 2 months (NEET 2022)?

How do I cover my NEET syllabus within 2 months (NEET 2022)?


If you have not done anything then it is not possible to do cover whole syllabus of NEET within 2 months. If you have studied the concepts and chapters before then good but if you have not even opened your book then it is a very difficult time for you. Do not try to learn new chapters, you will not be able to complete the syllabus. It would be better if you ret to solve previous years question papers as much as you can. Also revise your answers many times. It would help you. You can connect with NEET toppers on call and listen to their experiences how they prepared for NEET examination. After giving proper 2 years students can able to get good marks in NEET and you are thinking to cover whole syllabus within 2 months. It is not possible.


  1. Make a Study Routine: Follow the 3-day Plan

Go through the syllabus and divide the topics across the first 45-50 days. Keep in mind that you should not spend more than 3 days on a single chapter. It is advised that you complete the syllabus 10- 15 days prior to the exam. Thus, the last 15 days will be helpful for you in revising the concepts.

  1. Take tough decisions: Don’t stick to easy topics or start new topics

Always cover and be prepared with all the concepts of the NEET syllabus, and avoid any new topic at the end moment which is not on high priority for the exam or difficult topics which are taking a lot of time. Focus on the topics that you have studied earlier. Remember the basic formulae and go through the questions asked in the previous year’s exams.

  1. Set your priorities

Mark out the important topics and then prioritise the concepts which need to be completed. You will find important topics in the next section of this article. Try to work on the easier ones first like Wave Optics and then move on to the difficult ones like Thermodynamics & Mechanics. Most important topic from class 11 syllabus is Mechanics and from class 12 syllabus Modern Physics, around 11-12 questions are asked from these chapters in NEET every year.

  1. Practice numerical problems

Practice problems from NCERT books. Revise the formulas daily so as to improve your speed of problem-solving. Make short tricks for calculations to reduce time taken.

For the Biology section, it is advised for you to target 45- 50 days for the preparation. Try to save 10- 15 days for the revision. Shortlist the topics as per their probability and the difficulty level. Since Biology makes up half the marks, allot time accordingly. Revise notes & diagrams from NCERT Class 11 & 12 books.

2. Target Easy Questions:

Prepare & practice easier questions first. The easier questions section can be helpful in solving 80- 85 questions. Topics of Ecology, Animal & Plant Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics & Evolution and Biotechnology are the most important topics and must be covered under the study plan.