How to revise entire NEET syllabus in 5 days?

How to revise entire NEET syllabus in 5 days?

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U cant really revise the whole syllabus in just 5 days. You can only revise the important topics which are most important for exams and that only if you have a good preparation for your exam. Use formula books for the revision of physics and physical chemistry which will help you to revise the concepts fastly. For biology and organic chemistry you need to have short notes and charts which you would have made during your preparation, you cant read the ncert in just 5 days of time. For inorganic chemistry just revise your notes and exceptions and you are done.
Let me remind you that the above techniques are only for those students who have been doing good in their preparation and have all the concepts properly understood and are achieving good marks i.e above 600. If you want to revise effectively you need 1.5 months of time or at least 1 month of time, in which you will be guided by your mentor on how to use your resources effectively and if you haven’t made revison material then you will have to spend extra time making them like formula books and short notes.
Like my mentees have been making the revision materials since December and they eill be using that un the last 1 month before the exam…so first of all get yourself a proper plan from your mentor and start making short notes and charts as guided by the mentor and use them efficiently at last. For now just focus on practicing questions and completing the syllabus.


Mutiple revisions are most important for retaining information which helps you score good in exams. But keep in mind, Revision doesn’t mean reading something as a whole once again!

Let’s divide it subject wise, what I did to revise syllabus for neet.

PHYSICS: After watching lectures, I wrote down the important formulas, tricks and some special questions in the formula copy. So by the time lecture was completed, I have my formula copy complete. Everyday I used to revise the copy.

But don’t forget to attempt full pattern tests. They are also revisions of your concepts and problem solving skills.

Sample of my formula copy. Ignore the handwriting :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This helped me revise everything of physics in a short span of time.


PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: I used to write down the important formulas, tricks and important laws and some concepts in the formula copy after finishing lectures. I used to do a lot of questions, so they can also be treated as revisions
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: In the formula copy I wrote all the important reactions, named reactions and some concepts and special reactions along with the exceptions. In the same copy, to avoid confusion I wrote different reactions whose names are similar at a place so I can distinguish between them properly, to avoid confusion.
INORGANIC: I used to read it from pw class notes and ncert. After multiple readings, I wrote down the things which I used to forget frequently. And revise them on daily basis. While revising the whole inorganic time to time(once in 5 to 6 days). But do solve a lot of questions, as questions are also a way of learning and revision.

Some important organic reactions up there

BIO: I used to read bio from ncert(which everyone does🤭). While reading I try to underline each and every important points and add some important things if necessary. Also I made a copy where I wrote important values, facts, dates and similar type of values.

For example you will find 4 facts which have 25 in them. Like- 25% of all insects are phytophagous. Try to find other 3 yourself!

See the red circle. A question came In neet 2k22 based on this data that I wrote. Even unacademy teacher(ritu rattewal) did this question wrong while live solving. So put more emphasis on these values. Ignore my handwriting

TESTS: Tests are most important when it comes to revision. Look, don’t view tests as competition that I have to secure this many marks. Try to think it as a learning opportunity.

By attempting tests you come to know what you don’t know. Tests are a revision of your concepts, an exercise of your brain and time management skills.

Try to attempt a lot of tests. Full pattern tests, part tests, topic wise tests, chapterwise tests.


TEST ANALYSIS: Write the questions and answers which you got wrong while practicing questions and tests in a DOUBT COPY. Then in a separate register maintain a list of topics which you got wrong or you forget often

Read those topics time to time. They are gonna get you a good amount of marks in neet.

In the last times avoid FOMO to your class notes. Open them only if it’s extremely necessary.

Best of luck for neet 2023👍

I am answering about how to REVISE syllabus and I am assuming that you have an average hold in the subjects as you have read them previously.

Choose your panic subject and give it a fixed time. I will elaborate. I had problems with inorganic chemistry and few chapters of biology. And the evening time was most productive for me to understand things as I woke up late and studied late till night. So, I made a plan of 25 days and divided the chapters of inorganic chemistry and entire biology into small parts to read everyday. I devoted entire evening for that.

Easy-peesy subject plan. There is always a subject which seems easier to you than your friends. That subject is your stronghold. For me , It was Physics. I knew that even if I don’t solve the questions of physics daily, I will still fetch a decent mark in that subject. Once you have known your stronghold, assign your non productive time to it. I woke up late in the morning and took time to orient myself. Hence I used to solve physics in the morning. That helped to orient my brain too.

Once you have assigned time to your fear and stronghold, Reach out for remaining subjects.

Physics :Thermo, Optics, Gravity, Modern Phy, EMI
Chemistry : Organic, Kinetics, Electrochem, Solutions, Atomic structure, Noble gases, Halogen rxn, Lithium family and others . Its very difficult to assign important topics to chemistry because everything seems important in this subject.
Biology: Ecology, Reproduction, Molecular basis of Inh. , Biotech, Plant kingdom , 5 kingdom classification, Cell and overview of plant an human physiology.
I wrote the word ‘overview’ because plant and animal physiology will take multiple attempts to revise.


These are important chapters according to me because I was good with the remaining chapters. But you can have a completely different perspective. Please use the above list as an example and not as a reference. Make a list of your own and stick to it.

This will be the backbone of your revision.

Reading/solving weak subject in your dominant time
Reading/solving strong subject in your weak time.
Making a list of other remaining chapters and assign them the leftover time.