I am scoring 250 in mock test how can I get upto 550+!

I am scoring 250 in mock test how can I get upto 550+!

Start revisions again and again now it’s about revisions only… Revise again and again from now take mentorship program to boost up your revisions…make your own targets to complete focus on inorganic organic biology more now these three subjects can help you to score good …

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All the best students for your exams

You are going really good don’t worry your score will improve with time , Stay consistent. Work on your weak points after every test.
We cannot predict how much you will score in your final exam but we wish you all the best.
During examination Do not get nervous , stay calm , dont let the pressure of scoring 600+ hamper your performance.

Some tips,
Continue giving NTA mock tests , give 1 test per day but do not forget to review the answers and note the mistakes you did in that test.
Divide the remaining no of days as such you revise most of your syllabus.
Practising previous year questions ,
Reading NCERT textbooks of 11th and 12th standard line by line ,
practicing daily Mcqs,
Revise Formulas of physics
Revsie named reactions of chemistry
Doing all this will help you secure a very good rank .
Make a notebook and add the extra points which you found new. Work on your weak points.
Revise it Daily .
Study for atleast 6-7hours per day with focus and concentration .

After all this Spend some time with your family and/or go for a walk.
Wishing you all the very best .