Important Questions for NEET 2023 Biology
- What is the correct representation of organisation levels in living beings?
Atomic→Molecular→Subcellular→Cellular→Tissue→Organ System→Individual
2. What is the first step of taxonomy?
The first step of taxonomy is the identification of the organism.
3. What is the sequence of taxonomic categories?
4. What do you mean by Biological Classification?
To identify dissimilarities among organisms and place them into groups that reflect their most important features and relationship.
5. Why does Funaira require water?
In Funaira, fertilisation occurs only in water. Therefore, it requires water.
6. What do you mean by Phenetics?
Phenetics is a method of classification based on similarities between organisms without regard to their evolutionary relationships. In this classification, the organisms are arranged according to the overall similarities of existing organisms based on observation characters.
7. Name the two animals that have non-glandular skin.
Chameleon and Turtle.
8. Name the common feature shared by birds and mammals.
Both are warm-blooded.
9. What are adventitious roots?
Roots developed from the part of the plant other than the radicle are called adventitious roots.
10. Where does the placenta attach to develop the seed?
It is attached to the developing seed near the hilum