Is NCERT of physics and physical chemistry to be learned thoroughly; and can I skip physics theory and learn points to ponder and summary for physics

Is NCERT of physics and physical chemistry to be learned thoroughly; and can I skip physics theory and learn points to ponder and summary for physics?

First of all, while preparing for competitive exams, smart work is very important. Physics and Physical Chemistry NCERT is often required for getting those rank-deciding questions correctly.
So, you see questions are asked from the theory of NCERT physics and physical and that too rank deciding.
But, according to me, NCERT physics and physical need not be read throughout 2 years. Its better if you start these two books 2 or 3 months before NEET. Moreover, you need not read the whole book.
The important and in fact the only chapters that you can read are: Physics
Semiconductors( Whole chapter is important)
Current electricity( Graphs, colour coding and ohm’s law)
Fluid statics( stress strain graph)

Thermal properties of matter ( Graph on volumetric expansion of copper)
Physical Chemistry:
Solid State( Bravais lattice table and different types of defects) Surface Chemistry ( Whole chapter)
Last tip:Read theory and summary, skip points to ponder.