Is NCERT sufficient for physical chemistry in NEET?

Is NCERT sufficient for physical chemistry in NEET?

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Hello @Teena
For covering theory NCERT books are sufficient but for practicing varieties of questions NCERT books are not sufficient. For theory, you can refer ncert book but for question practicing, you have to take other reference book. I would suggest you following books for NEET preparation -

  1. MTG book
  2. Errorless chemistry
  3. Any coaching module

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Contents of NCERT in theories are described as such that the topic which would be covered in 1 page is described in many pages because of lengthy explanation which is unavailing if you are covering pre-meds or JEEs.
The theory part is only worth it for organic chemistry, especially for the reaction part, but for inorganic chemistry, I find it much more boring as the contents and description are in a much more detailed form.
As far as physical chemistry is concerned its questions are much worth as it’s more numerical based which helps in certain questions in neet, films, and JEEs since questions coming particularly in need in physical chemistry are much from concerts, and its exemplar questions. The examples given in between topics are also good.
So I would say instead of reading theories from NCERTs focus more on its questions after reading theories from any coaching modules (For which I find Allen modules much worth bcoz it’s written in concise form and solved their questions too) or notes which would save much time in which you can focus on other chapters too in the limited time.
The only chapters which you can focus on by NCERT are surface chemistry and metallurgy.

Physical chemistry demands exhaustive practice.
Maintain a book exclusively dedicated to formulae and revise from it every day. …
Stay aligned with the syllabus for Physical chemistry, avoid reading through extra information.