Neet 2024 Timetable help

Can you please make a time table for me…I am a night owl my 11th was in between neither too good nor too bad and I have my school from 7a.m.-1p.m.
Please Help :place_of_worship:

Apun jee wala, so no advice :joy:

Hey, this is Utkarsh Panwar from VMMC, New Delhi.
So first of all you’re in class 12 so you have a really good amount of time to have a proper grip over all the three subjects, but at the same time you have to be disciplined enough to not waste any time. According to me, this can be a good timetable for you -
7am to 1pm - School
1pm to 2:30pm- Lunch, Rest
2:30-4:30 - Study session #1
4:30-5 - Break
5-7:30 - Study session #2
7:30-9 - Break, Dinner, Family time
9-11 - Study session #3
Sleep by 11:30

Your timetable should roughly look like this, it has a good anount of time intervals and you have 6+ hours of self study time which is sufficient, provided you study efficiently.
You can adjust it according to your comfort.

All the best, happy studying:)

You follow these time table