Should we attend school regularly during JEE preparation?

Should we attend school regularly during JEE preparation?


Dummy or regular school doesn’t matter if you have that
caliber. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.
I’m from a regular school so I can say that if your school is
attendance oriented you would have to organize your time well
between school and coaching and self study. but if you know how to
manage your time well, then regular school is the best choice.
However, regular school gives you something else. For 2 years you
are in constant contact with your friends and teachers which creates
a light atmosphere around you which is much needed when you are
preparing for a tough exam like JEE ADV. If you are in a regular
school, you would never feel stressed about your studies.
You would have more time in mock school than regular school but I
have seen people getting depressed thinking about JEE. Because it’s
the only thing they think about at home or in the hostel because the
only other time they spend is with their coaching. It is also easy to
deviate from your goal because you would always think you have
more time.
Many of my friends in IIT K are from mock school and let me tell
you that they regret not attending regular school and feel that they
“missed something very important and those two years of their lives
will never come back” whenever they talk about our school and
school life.
It’s up to you to decide between what you can tolerate better, the lack
of time in a regular school or the loneliness and monotony of a
fictional school. one pushes you and the other is mentally