Which Chemistry book is the best for JEE Advanced preperations?

Which Chemistry book is the best for JEE Advanced preperations?

I’ll try my best to mention all the books I have used during my jee preparation ( please note that I haven’t completed any of the given book fully and only have done parts of it, so please dont get scared xD )


  1. Coaching material and teacher notes( module and assignments)

  2. Irodov ( must solve, it clears most of the concepts)

  3. Physics galaxy ( only some portion for theory)

  4. Resnick Halliday walker ( not necessary, fun to read tho)

  5. Archive of last 30 years ( most important)


  1. Coaching material and teacher notes
  2. Arihant ( for theory and formulas and it’s derivativions)
  3. Black book (only some chapters)
  4. Archive of last 30 years


  1. Coaching material and teacher notes
  2. JD Lee ( only some chapters)
  3. Ms Chouhan ( again only some portion)
  4. Rc Mukherjee ( only the examples)
  5. Op Tandon physical ( for 11th theory)
  6. Lg wade ( read only a little bit relevent portion in which I had doubts , like it’s stereochemistry portion is good)
  7. Peter stykes ( literal gold mine for organic, very concise, iit has asked questions directly from this)
  8. Archive of last 30 years

Best Books For JEE Advanced


  • NCERT Textbooks
  • Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma (Highly Recommended)
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
  • IIT Physics by D.C. Pandey
  • Problems in Physics by S.S. Krotov


  • NCERT Textbooks
  • Organic Chemistry – O. P. Tandon
  • Organic Chemistry – Peter Sykes
  • Organic Chemistry – M. S. Chauhan
  • Organic Chemistry – Morrison and Boyd (This book covers a lot of topics with extensive detail. Make sure you highlight what is important before you proceed if you have a time constraint)
  • Physical Chemistry – O. P. Tandon
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Lee
  • Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations – R. C. Mukherjee (for practice)


  • Maths XI & XII by R.D. Sharma
  • Objective Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced and Other Engineering Entrance Examinations by R.D. Sharma
  • Trigonometry & Geometry: – Plane Trigonometry Part 1 by S.L. Loney
  • Co-ordinate Geometry: – Plane Co-ordinate Geometry by S.L. Loney
  • Algebra: – Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight
  • Calculus: – Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron
  • Differential Calculus by A. Das Gupta.
  • Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE by Tata McGraw-Hill publications.