Which mechanism to remember or which reaction to blindly put off in a test

I’m so confused about which mechanism to remember or which reaction to blindly put off in a test.

The ìit-JEE exam is one of the most difficult exams not only in India but also in the world. So, before we started preparing, we conducted a small mentoring program called Exprto rankers JEE. There, I met recent JEE freshman students who gave me advice on how to prepare, what resources to use, and more. When you connect with the latest JEE leaders, you can benefit greatly and stay ahead of the competition before you even start your journey.So keep that in mind. Since you only have one year to get started, if you are a beginner, you should accept a bit of mentorship through the Exprto rankers JEE Mentorship Program. Here you can connect with top recent JEE contributors who will give you advice on how to prepare, what resources to use, and more, and you can analyze which chapters are the most important – the ones with the highest percentage of questions. JEE in the past 5 years, especially for promotion. From there, you can get an idea of ​​which chapters to focus on, so focus on those chapters rather than all of them. Practice this chapter more than any other chapter. Plan your daily tasks, achieve your daily goals and never sleep without completing them at all costs. Planning in this short amount of time is of the utmost importance. Also, don’t read too many books. You won’t be able to finish a single book and you’ll start to get stressed out. It is recommended that you follow only one book and try to complete it with Year Question Bank .